Salmonella Typhi/Paratyphi Antigen Rapid Test

Typhoid fever is a life threatening illness caused by the bacterium Salmonella typhus, and was observed by Eberth (1880) in the mesenteric nodes and spleen of fatal cases of typhoid fever. It is common in developing countries where it affects about 12.5 million persons annually. The infection is acquired typically by ingestion. On reaching the gut, the bacilli attach themselves to the epithelial cells of the intestinal villi and penetrate the lamina and submucosa. 

They are then phagocytosed there by polymorphs and mesenteric lymph nodes, where they multiply and, via the thoracic duct, enter the blood stream. A transient bacteremia follows, during which the bacilli are seeded in the liver, gall bladder, spleen, bone marrow, lymph nodes, and kidneys, where further multiplication takes place. Towards the end of the incubation period, there occurs a massive bacteremia from these sites, heralding the onset of the clinical symptoms.

Diagnostic Test Kit
Antibody & Antigen

What Is The Benefit Of A Typhoid Ag Test Vs. A Typhoid Ab Test?

The antigen test can detect ACTIVE typhoid fever earlier into the infection cycle compared to a typhoid Ab test as it takes a while for antibodies to develop and an antigen positive test helps to support a diagnosis of an active infection.

Intend use of Salmonella Typhi/Paratyphi Antigen Rapid Test

One Step Salmonella typhi/paratyphi A Test Device is a rapid chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative detection of Salmonella typhi and paratyphi A antigens in stool/serum/plasma. 

Isn't the Blood Culture test the reference method for diagnosing Typhoid Fever?

Yes, but the Blood Culture method takes 1 - 2 days for obtaining results and also its sensitivity decreases based on the time the sample is taken after disease onset. Our advantages of various testing options ensures patient screening is available for a much longer window.

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